Tuesday, 10 May 2016

irrigation / home automation RainBird renu

Project is to retrofit old RainBird home irrigation system with new IOT cloud based home automation system.

The old RainBird controller is on the right. It still works. The new internet of things (IOT) node is on the left. I am reusing as much of the old system as possible -- the existing wiring, the existing plumbing, valves, solenoids, irrigators. The only change is the using a new IOT node.
The IOT consists of an Arduino UNO controller coupled with a SparkFun WIFI shield. I flashed my irrigation code onto the Arduino.
Here are the old RainBird connections. I am saving them in case I have to revert back to the old control.
Here is another view of the system footprint. In my next post, I will detail the new wiring and whether the new controller works well.

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