Tuesday, 17 May 2016

raspberry pi wifi and hdmi ethernet channel

Ok, so I broke down and bought a raspberry PI. In an earlier post, I mentioned putting NOOB and Raspbian onto a micro SD card. Cool, now I have Linux.

Then I plugged my TV into the PI with a HDMI cable --> DISPLAY. I had problems with the edges of the display getting cut off. These I solved by using the overscreen values and exiting from the Raspbian config.

Unexpectedly WIFI came to the party for free. Must have sneaked in over the HDMI cable. The TV and the Raspberry PI supports HDMI v1.4 with an HDMI Ethernet Channel. ( hdmi_1_4 ) Not only video and audio travel over the cable, but ethernet as well. So if you have a newer smart TV with wifi or other internet connection, the PI automatically got the wlan0 interface.

Completely unexpected and nice.

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